WhatsApp and Google Docs

WhatsApp and Google Docs

I have students working on group projects for both of my classes, PR and Professional communication. So I have them work on documents on google docs so they can work on the same doc and they don’t have problems with different versions. Also, I had them set up Whatsapp groups (I am not part of these groups) and they do Whatsapp video sessions to prepare and coordinate. We do sessions two times a week and it also helps us to keep tabs on each other and provide psychosocial support.

Last week before they submitted their first drafts, I met with students on Zoom – the groups shared their draft documents via share screen and I was able to give them live feedback. They made the edits on google docs live.

Also – what I do for lectures is – I did PowerPoint voiceover, so I uploaded the slides on the system which students can refer back to anytime and listen to my explanations and examples – and boring jokes 🙂 But I also do a quick overview of the slides on Zoom in a synchronic way just so they have an idea about what is going on.

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