Multiple Tools for Effective Online Classes

Multiple Tools for Effective Online Classes

For the last 2 semesters I have been using an online task management software called Asana ( to create the weekly schedule and inform the students for the requirements for the projects and coming weeks. The weeks are arranged in the form of a Kanban board and each week has their own submission space for the course exercises and assignments. The same space is used as a communication place where students ask their questions.

During class hours, I use Open Broadcast Software ( to record all the course content together with any student presentations, feedbacks and discussions. Students share their screens with the class to get feedback on their projects and ask any questions they might have and tell about the problems that they faced with through the assignment. Then, for the feedback I download their files from the related Asana space and share my screen explaining the solutions to their problems or share some links again to Asana space to the related sections.

The students are also required to construct moodboards and develop conceptual maps. For that they use Miro ( and submit their files through Asana. The supplemental material related to the course is pinned to a pinterest board for students to examine or learn additional things.

Then all the recorded course content is shared with the students on a private youtube playlist enabling the students to return back the things they have learned any time.

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